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Simpson Miller, who was addressing the official opening of Club MoBay, a new state-of-the-art VIP lounge at the Sangster International Airport, in Montego Bay, St James, painted a glowing picture of the impact of tourism from a historical perspective, as well as with regard to the projections for the future.
"Tourism contributes between five and eight per cent of GDP and employs in excess of 80,000 persons," the prime minister said. "It should be noted that tourism accounts for 41 per cent of the foreign exchange earned by the productive sector."
Secure future
While economic uncertainties abound with no International Monetary Fund agreement currently in place, the prime minister said the current tourism forecast meant the country's future should be secure.
"I am very confident that our country will overcome the present challenges and realise our objectives of reducing our debts, creating jobs and getting our economy to grow at an acceptable rate," said Simpson Miller.
"Our resilient tourism industry offers a solid reason for confidence … . Every step forward that the industry makes should be recognised and celebrated."
Tourism Minister Dr Wykeham McNeill, who also spoke at the function, said the new lounge was a most welcome addition to the offering at the Sangster International Airport and should add a special dimension to the travelling experience of visitors.
David Hall, the CEO of Club MoBay, said the new lounge would add a spark to the travelling experience of those visitors who pass through Sangster International Airport.
"We are proud to bring these truly world-class facilities to Montego Bay, and feel that Club MoBay is an important step towards attracting more elite, high-end travellers to Jamaica," Hall said.
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