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A group of investors from the Dominican Republic will visit St. Thomas as they seek to expand tourism opportunities in the parish.
Making the announcement at the Jamaica-Dominican Republic Business Forum held on February 21 at the AC Hotel in Kingston, Jamaica’s tourism minister Edmund Bartlett said,
“we are anticipating, within a short while… a good visit from another set of friends from the Dominican Republic, who will be coming to look at my new destination, St Thomas”.
Bartlett notes that the site visit is intended to help investors decide “how we can create a facility there that replicates something in the Dominican Republic…. I am excited about that.”
This announcement coincides with other development projects in the eastern parish. The government minister outlined that the projects include the improvement of the parish’s main roadway and building a modern transportation center in the capital town, Morant Bay.
Plans to reposition St. Thomas as a tourism destination date back to 2021 when Bartlett announced the government’s plan to pump US $746 million dollars in a massive tourism development plan for the island.
The plan involving foreign investors' contributions has gradually been rolled out over the past two years.
In addition to tourism, the Dominican Republic has been documented as Jamaica’s third-largest trading partner. The Caribbean country’s contribution to Jamaica’s economic development is seen in the opening of businesses in the construction, agriculture, aviation, and transportation industry.
Likewise, Jamaican-owned companies, JMMB and Jamaica Producers have branches in the Dominican Republic.
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