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Jamaica is ranked among the "Top Islands" in the Conde Nast Traveler's Readers' Choice Awards for 2023.
In addition to Jamaica's commendable ranking, seven Jamaican hotels and resorts received recognition in various categories of the Conde Nast Traveler's Readers' Choice Awards.
Notably, S Hotel Jamaica claimed the top spot as the #1 Best Caribbean and Central American Hotel, with Jamaica Inn ranking 7th in the same category. S Hotel Jamaica also secured the 16th position in the Best Hotels in the World category, among 50 featured hotels.
In the Best Caribbean Resorts category, five Jamaican properties made the list, with Half Moon securing the 10th spot, Round Hill Hotel & Villas at #18, Rockhouse at #31, Sandals South Coast at #33, and Sandals Negril at #35, among the top 40 ranked resorts.
In response to the positive development, the Director of Tourism for the Jamaica Tourist Board, Donovan White said, "It's gratifying that so many readers of Conde Nast Traveler vote for Jamaica consistently, keeping us in the top ten islands year after year.
We're pleased to provide a memorable island experience that surpasses guest expectations, and we're committed to doing even better in the future."
The Conde Nast Traveler's 36th annual Readers' Choice Awards saw nearly 500,000 votes from travelers sharing their experiences and preferred destinations globally.
These awards are highly regarded in the travel industry, offering valuable insights for travelers in search of memorable experiences.
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